Immanuel Lutheran Church
304 Spruce St., PO Box 466 Tower, MN 55790
218-753-2378. Email: ielctower@gmail.com
...Cares for one another
One of the first things visitors notice about Immanuel is that there is a lot of noisy chatter before church. Whether it's a casual chat or offering support through an organized program, Immanuel strives to turn faith into action. Some of the more formal ways we do this is through Parish Health Ministry, Prayer Shawl outreach, Service Committees, and the Gospel Connections Committee.
...Shares Christ's love
Continuing to learn and grow in Christ's love is important for both children and adults. Faith formation for children, adult book and Bible studies, and Vacation Bible School are some examples. Supporting a variety of local, national, and international projects and missions is another tangible way Immanuel works to share Christ's love.
...Welcomes all
We at Immanuel practice an open communion at every Sunday worship. Our Lord invites us to share a holy meal at His altar and we understand that invitation to be open to all who wish to commune with us. Likewise, anyone is invited to worship with us and take part in activities and events sponsored by Immanuel.
Getting involved...
...at Immanuel
There are lots of opportunities to get involved. please check out the events and newsletter tabs above for current opportunities. If you have any
questions give us a call or just show up and check it out!
...in Community & World
Click on the links below to find out more about Immanuel and missions
and projects it supports